Self-Compassion Quotes Aid You in Loving Your Body Image
Self-compassion is required, not only for others but also for ourselves because accepting who we are might be difficult at times. We have a hard time feeling at ease in our skin. We're harsh on ourselves and can't stop pointing out our weaknesses. We can never genuinely feel at peace unless we have compassion and acceptance for ourselves. How Self-Compassion Quotes Can Help You Love Yourself? to answer this I choose these quotes on self-compassion for you.
You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked.
Try approving of yourself and see what happens.
Chasing a person doesn’t give you value or build values in you.
You earn your value by chasing morality and practicing dignity.”
Because those who are seen to be physically perfect, symmetrical, handsome, and beautiful by society's standards are here
to show us how to feel compassion for ourselves, while those who have physical difficulties are here to show us how to feel compassion for others.
When we feel bad, we often automatically decide that either
we are bad or another person is bad. Both of these moves cause damage and distort the truth, which is that
we are all navigating difficult conditions the best we
can, and we all have a lot to learn and unlearn.
Prioritize self-care & incorporate a MINIMUM of 60 mins 'ME TIME'
into your daily routine.
YES, there are enough hours in the day. NO EXCUSES.
Self-compassion is critical in accountability. We often overcorrect by
shaming and blaming ourselves or under-correct by avoiding ways to
face accountability directly.
Using self-compassion doesn’t mean letting
yourself off the hook for missteps, but owning them and still holding space to
love yourself. Adding compassion to accountability processes
decreases shame and isolation and increases growth and connection.
There is a lot of conversation about self-love nowadays, but how can we
love ourselves if we do not consider ourselves worthy (we condemn ourselves,
punish ourselves, sabotage ourselves, criticize ourselves, and constantly judge
and devalue ourselves)?
“The secret to peace is right under our noses. Slow down, love yourself,
sloth, and smell the roses!
Question: How can you do unto others as you would like done onto you if you are not compassionate toward yourself? Sure, it is important to be kind to others. But don’t forget to give yourself a break.
Once we are honest about our feelings, we can invite ourselves to
consider alternative modes of viewing our pain and can see that releasing our
grip on anger and resentment can actually be an act of self-compassion.
Have the courage to love yourself like you always
wished someone would.
Practice self-compassion and experience the priceless
feeling of
emotional safety.
A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day.
A string of
such moments can change the course of your life.
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